Bozeman Area Happenings

Best of Bozeman 2018

The Results are In!
Posted by Inactive-Krissy Stewart on January 17, 2019 in  Bozeman  Bozeman Community  Bozeman Food  Community  Downtown  Life in Bozeman  Moving to Bozeman  Restaurants
Each year, hosted by the BoZone, the Bozeman community comes together to cast votes for their favorite Bozeman institutions - everything from Best Burger to Best Oil Change are up for deliberation, and the community has spoken!  Check out 15 of our favorite winners from 2018 below, or click here for the full report!Bozeman's Best Clothing Store - Revolver MenswearCheck out their website here.Bozeman's Best Place for Family Fun - Museum of the RockiesCheck out their website here.Bozeman's Best Place to Dan... read more

Get Outside Bozeman!

Posted by Step Beyond Media on June 25, 2018 in  Bozeman  Community  Life in Bozeman  Life in Montana  Moving to Bozeman
It is officially summer (and FINALLY starting to feel like summer in Bozeman)! We all know summer goes by in a blink of an eye around here, so it is time to GET OUTDOORS!  There’s so much to do in a Montana summer that you really need to cram it all in!  Camping, fishing, floating, hiking…get out there this weekend because it won’t be long before the snow flies.  (Ok we take that back!)  Here are a few ideas of where to go around Bozeman… Camping   Whethe... read more

Thinking About Moving To Bozeman?

Some Interesting Numbers.
Posted by Step Beyond Media on June 03, 2018 in  Bozeman  Bozeman real estate  Buyers  Community  Life in Bozeman  Moving to Bozeman  Real Estate
How have the numbers changed over the past 7 years?  Here are some stats from 2011: As of 2011, Bozeman’s population was 39,764 people The median home in Bozeman costed $272,400 There were 12.1 students per teacher in Bozeman The unemployment rate in Bozeman was 6.5% The average commute time was 18 minutes (Source: Here is where we are at now! As of 2016, Bozeman’s population was 45,250 people, but based on this growth ... read more


Posted by Step Beyond Media on April 09, 2018 in  Bozeman  Community  Life in Bozeman  Moving to Bozeman
What's so amazing about living in Bozeman, Montana? We've summed up our favorite things about Bozeman in photos. Here are our top 10 reasons why we love where we live. #1. OUR AMAZING MOUNTAINS #2. OUR LAKES AND RIVERS   #3. OUR BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN  #4. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY   #5. THE TRAILS THAT MEANDER THROUGH THE NEIGHBORHOODS   #6. WILLSON AVENUE, BREATHTAKING EVERY SEASON OF THE YEARPhoto by Bozeman Daily Chronicle #7. OUR BIG MONTANA SKIES, PERFECT FOR SHOWING OFF BRILLIANT... read more
The population of Bozeman is seeing rapid growth and we don't expect it to stop anytime soon.  Whether it is our beautiful mountains so close, the great small-town atmosphere (with all the amenities of a city), or the abundance of breweries, Bozeman is the second fastest growing micropolitan area in the country in terms of absolute population gain!  This will greatly affect the housing market (and already has) as the number of homes continue to decrease and the number of potential buyers increase. Single... read more



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