Bozeman Area Happenings

Make a Move to End Hunger

Moving any time soon? Find out how the simple act of moving can help you feed a person in need.
Posted by Inactive-Krissy Stewart on December 11, 2019 in  Bozeman Community  Distinctive Angels  Donate  Giving  Lifestyle  Moving
Guest post by NorthStar Moving Co-Founder Laura McHolm Did you know that in the United States, 1 in 7 children goes to bed hungry? Shocking right!? What can just one person do to tackle such a big problem? A simple click of a button or making a move can help out quite a bit! First thing you can do is go online and donate to your local food bank. Every little bit helps! It only costs $1 to provide four meals to a hungry child. Next, bring non-perishable food directly to your local food bank’s door. I... Readmore

Distinctive Angels Need Your Help

Join us in collecting needed items for homeless students in our schools!
Posted by Inactive-Krissy Stewart on October 18, 2019 in  Agents  Be Distinctive  Belgrade  Bozeman Community  Distinctive Angels  Donate  Schools
Giving back to the communities in which we live and work is the cornerstone of Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties Distinctive Angels Program.  Our agents are constantly looking for ways to make a difference in our community, and after learning some surprising facts about homelessness in our schools, our agents were eager to help. Did you know there are over 100 homeless students in the Bozeman District and a similar number in the Belgrade District? Many of these are unaccompanied minors, meaning there is n... Readmore

Giving Back: Coldwell Banker Distinctive Angels

Why Give Back? Because we believe in a “Pay It Forward” philosophy.
Posted by Inactive-Krissy Stewart on February 06, 2019 in  About us  Be Distinctive  Coldwell Banker Bozeman  Distinctive Angels  Giving  Volunteer  Volunteering
One of the many things that make our office unique is our tireless commitment to serving the communities in which we live and work.  As locals who care for locals, Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties is honored to have the opportunity to partner with local community associations and nonprofits to give back through the structured efforts of volunteer hours, donations, money and materials where needed. Our commitment to touch as many lives as possible and help make a difference in our... Readmore



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