Bozeman Area Happenings

4 Investments Worth Making in Your First Home

You’ve just bought your first home – congratulations! Now it’s time to make your home feel like, well, home.
Posted by Inactive-Krissy Stewart on December 16, 2019 in  1st time buyer  Buy House  buyer  Buyers  Buying  Decorating  First Time Home Buyers  First Time Homebuyer  First Time Homebuyers  Home  Home Decor  Home Design  Home Improvement  Home Improvements  Home Ownership  Home Tips  Home Updates
You’ve just bought your first home – congratulations! Now it’s time to make your home feel like, well, home by undertaking some long-term investments that will not only look beautiful, but will also last you for years to come. SHARE The following is a guest post by Suhayl Laher In today’s post, we’re offering some advice for first-time homeowners on areas where spending a little bit more is likely to pay off in the long-run. From valuable aesthetic updates in key areas such ... read more

Is Summer or Winter the Best Season to Buy a Home?

Each season has something different to offer to a potential home buyer. Read the pros and cons of buying a home in both seasons.
Posted by Inactive-Krissy Stewart on December 04, 2019 in  1st time buyer  Buy House  buyer  Buyers  Buying  Buying Property  First Time Home Buyers  First Time Homebuyer  First Time Homebuyers  Home Maintenance  Home Tips  Housing Market  Maintenance
LINDSAY LISTANSKI SHARE You hear it a lot – there are best and worst times to make any sort of purchase. Whether it’s a television, a car, or a home, statistics are available that may influence your decision on when would be the best time to make a purchase. Numerical data isn’t the only thing you should be taking into consideration, though. Each season has something different to offer in terms of making the home buying process easier or more challenging. Let’s take a look at the p... read more

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Get your home ready for the season!
Posted by Inactive-Krissy Stewart on October 11, 2019 in  Autumn  DIY  Home Care  Home Inspection  Home Maintenance  Home Ownership  Home Tips  Maintenance  Outside  Planning  Seasonal
Fall is upon us!  You've probably already made the changes in your wardrobe, but what about getting your home ready for the season?  Check out this handy infographic of the top 8 Fall Home Maintenance items you don't want to ignore.What else do you do to prepare your home for a new season? Let us know in the comments!... read more

10 Pieces of Valuable Info to Gather Before You Sell Your Home

Before you put out that "for sale" sign, make sure you've gathered this important info.
Posted by Inactive-Krissy Stewart on September 25, 2019 in  Home Ownership  Home Tips  House Selling Tips  Marketing Your Home  Real Estate  Real Estate Tips  Sellers  Selling  Selling Checklist
DAVID MARINE The real estate process is chock full of information. I feel like more information is exchanged in a real estate transaction than on a national security background check. But before you even put that “for sale” sign in the front yard, there’s some information you need to put together that will help you get that home ready to be sold. We talked with Sally Isom with Coldwell Banker Collins-Maury in Memphis, TN who has a handy list of 10 pieces of valuable info that you need to have to... read more

5 Tips for Hosting the Ultimate Football Party

This season, take the opportunity to host some friends and family at the comfort of your own home – your very own home field adv
Posted by Inactive-Krissy Stewart on September 06, 2019 in  Activities  Events  Fall  Home Tips  Lifestyle
DANNY HERTZBERG SHARE Yesterday marked the official start of the regular NFL season, kicking off lots of great game-day viewing parties. This season, take the opportunity to host some friends and family at the comfort of your own home – your very own home-field advantage. Just as the various football teams practice and prepare for their big games, as must you for your game-day parties! Tip #1: Ample, Comfortable Seating- Arguably the most important factor that will either break or make a good f... read more



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